12 Days

Trinitarian Pilgrimage
Retreat to the Holy Land

Spiritual Director: Fr. Nathaniel Hinds

Group Leader: Sr. Magdalit Bolduc

September 15 – 26, 2025


Trinitarian Pilgrimage
Retreat to the
Holy Land

Spiritual Director: Fr. Nathaniel Hinds

Group Leader: Sr. Magdalit Bolduc

September 15 – 26, 2025


Tel Aviv · Negev · Dead Sea · Ein Gedi · Jordan · Jericho · Nazareth · Mt. Tabor · Cana · Tabgha · Capernaum · Mt of Beatitudes · Magdala (City of Mary Magdalene) · Bethlehem · Jerusalem · Temple Mount · Mt. of Olives · Gallicantu · Via Dolorosa · Mt. Zion · Emmaus


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Tel Aviv · Negev · Dead Sea · Ein Gedi · Jordan · Jericho · Nazareth · Mt. Tabor · Cana · Tabgha · Capernaum · Mt of Beatitudes · Magdala (City of Mary Magdalene) · Bethlehem · Jerusalem · Temple Mount · Mt. of Olives · Gallicantu · Via Dolorosa · Mt. Zion · Emmaus

Sister Magdalit’s Invitation Letter to Pilgrims

Dear Future Holy Land Pilgrims!

How often have you thought about the Holy Land and said: “One of these days I am going!” I believe that there is a time and a moment for each of us, set by God for such a spiritual adventure… Why do I feel so much about Israel? Mostly out of compassion. I have lived there for twelve years. I have been quenched there, in the depths of my soul. In the Holy Land, God the Father has a special way to bring in higher speed our soul to Himself. I regret that I cannot bring more people every year.

Our pilgrimage will be in three parts. In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I have noticed that often God the Father expresses Himself more in the desert, Jesus in Galilee, and the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. For this reason, we will scout the three regions. You will be led in the chronology of the Scriptures, and encounter God, as Abraham and the Patriarchs did in the Negev. In the second part, Jesus will reach out to you in Galilee, the places where he lived, walked, ministered in, and the landscape he admired from his childhood to his public life. Finally, in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit may become a real Person for you, through the fire he will kindle in your heart. Each soul is unique and might not follow this pattern exactly, but I know that each one of you invited to this pilgrimage will encounter the Father at some point, because this is His will, out of love for you.

Already you are in His Providence, which is why you are reading these words. Our journey is not designed to test your physical endurance, but it will. We will eat well, stay in good hotels, and travel in an air-conditioned bus; however, you do have to either be in shape or be willing to stay on the bus if you become tired as there will be hour-long walks every day.

May I tell you a story? Once I complained to the Lord: “Why do I have to live in exile from Jerusalem?” He replied within me: “If you weren’t abroad, out of Israel, who would tell my people to come to me?”

May you be led in God’s wisdom to make a good choice of how and when to embark on this holy journey. Know that I would be honored to be the one to bring you ‘home’, to the Holy Land.

Yours in Christ, Sr. Magdalit

Fr. Nathaniel Hinds

Sr. Magdalit Bolduc

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About Sr. Magdalit Bolduc:

Sister Magdalit has served as a consecrated sister in the Community of the Beatitudes for 32 years and has earned a Masters in Theology from the University of Strasbourg. Having lived in Israel for 12 years, Sister is fluent in Hebrew, and she has been guiding pilgrimages to the Holy Land for over 22 years. In Denver, she serves as a Spiritual Director and teacher. She developed and teaches a program called “Hebrew Experience” in which she guides Catholics in understanding Jewish identity and the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. In April 2014, Sr. Magdalit was appointed the Liaison to the Jewish Community for the Archdiocese of Denver. In this role she enjoys meeting with members of the Jewish communities, helping them to understand the post-Vatican II Catholic teachings on Judaism. Part of her mission lies in working to root out antisemitism, helping others to see the beauty of Jewish faith and culture.

Your trip includes

Centrally located hotels or similar
Kfar Hanokdin
Arad, Israel
Ein Gedi Kibbutz Hotel
Ein Gedi, Israel
Legacy Hotel ַ& Convention Center Nazareth
Nazareth, Israel
Pilgerhaus Tabgha
Migdal, Israel
Foyer Mar Maroun
Jerusalem, Israel
Not Included
  • Lunches, Tips to your guide & driver.
Travel Protection

Providing you coverage for situations that may arise during your trip, including medical and dental emergencies, loss of luggage, trip delay, and so much more.

Cancel For Any Reason Waiver

A Cancellation Waiver – allowing you to cancel your trip and receive a refund anytime – up until 48 hours prior to departure.


Day 1 | Monday, September 15: Depart for the Holy Land

Make your way to your local Airport, where you will board your over-night flight. Your meals are served on board.

Day 2 | Tuesday, September 16: Arrive in Tel Aviv

Arrive in Tel Aviv Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, make your way to the baggage claim area to collect your luggage. From there, proceed through customs to the Arrivals Hall, where you be greeted by your tour guide and/-or driver. A luxury motor coach will transfer us to the Negev. We will go into the desert. Dinner upon arrival and late Mass in the Kibbutz.

Day 3 | Wednesday, September 17: Day of walk in the Negev: Walk in the desert, descent to the Dead Sea, Ein Gedi

After breakfast, we will head for an hour walk. Mass in the wilderness (open air). In the afternoon, the coach will drive us on the Arava side (Ez47:8-12). Drive along the Dead sea to Nahal Arugot Ein Gedi, a beautiful oasis in the region where King David hid while fleeing Saul (1Sm24:2). Time of teaching. Finish the day in the beauty of the desert, driving along the Dead Sea, and passing by Qumran (Jr32:14), the site where some of the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Dinner and overnight at Ein Gedi Kibbutz, few miles from Jericho.

Day 4 | Thursday, September 18: Jordan - Jericho – Dead sea- Nazareth

After breakfast, we will travel beyond Jericho at the Jordan banks, we will continue on to the Baptismal site (Jn1:29) on the Jordan River where Father will give a teaching and lead us, feet in the water, or totally immersed, to renew our baptismal vows. There will be the shift from ‘the Father to the Son’ in our Trinitarian journey. From the Jordan banks, drive to the old city of Jericho (Js6:1-20), “the city of Roses” (Si 24:14). We will celebrate the Eucharist at Jericho’s Parish. See a sycamore tree like the one of Zacchaeus the tax collector (Lk19:1- 10) Enjoy lunch in a beautiful restaurant nearby. After lunch, enjoy a time at the Dead Sea, and continue along the Jordan Valley to Nazareth to our lodging.

Day 5 | Friday, September 19: Nazareth

Today, let’s let Mary guide us to Jesus. Visit the Basilica of the Annunciation which is built over the remains of the House where the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary to announce that she was to become the Mother of God (Lk1:26). Celebrate Mass in the Basilica. Take a long time of personal prayer. Visit St Joseph Church. Lunch at the Dames of Nazareth. In the afternoon, visit a very special site: the Tomb of the Just. Ponder on the Holy Family, the ordinary life of this special family. Its value. Ask for the intercession of St Joseph. Return to our hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 6 | Saturday, September 20: Mt. Tabor- Cana

In the morning, we will proceed to Mt. Tabor in the Jezreel Valley (Zc12:11), 11 miles west of the Sea of Galilee. According to Origen, St Jerome and St Cyril of Jerusalem, this is the site of the Transfiguration (Mt 17:1). Also, the site – in the first covenant, in the mid – 12th century BCE of the battle between Barak and Sisera, under the leadership of Deborah the Israelite Judge of that time (Jg4:5). Some may ascend Mount Tabor by foot in silence (1,886 feet). After praying and contemplating the Moso-Arab Church, a jewel of art, Father will celebrate the Eucharist in this magnificent place. Drive to Cana where Christ performed his first miracle (Jn2:1-11), at the request of His mother. Lunch. Visit the site. Take time to ponder on the miracle of Cana, pray and those who wish to can perform the renewal of their wedding vows. En route for the Lake of Galilee called also the Sea of Kinnereth (Nb34:11). The next two days we will ponder on the Public life of Jesus. Arrival to our hotel; Pilgerhaus for dinner and overnight. Free evening.

Day 7 | Sunday, September 21: Tabgha – Capernaum – Mt of Beatitudes

After breakfast, we walk to Tabgha the site of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish (Mt14). Visit the Church and its famous mosaics. Afterward, we will visit the Primacy of Peter. The bus will drive us to Ginosar. We will embark for a Boat ride to Capernaum. Capernaum is now in ruins but was once a thriving town where Peter lived and hosted Jesus (Mt 4:13). In this Synagogue Jesus gave the discourse on the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35-70). Celebrate Mass. After lunch, Drive to the Mount of the Beatitudes. Visit the Church that commemorates where Christ taught the Eight Beatitudes to his Disciples (Mt 5). Walk down the Mount and celebrate Mass outdoor, closest to the place to where the crowds were sitting, listening to Jesus. Back to the Pilgrim House. Dinner. In the evening, time of adoration in open air (place called Dalmanoutha).

Day 8 | Monday, September 22: Drive to Magdala, the city of Mary Magdalene

Drive to Magdala. Visit this unique site. An ancient Synagogue of the village of the port of Galilee at the time of Jesus. The place where Mary Magdalene and so many met Jesus personally. Celebrate the Eucharist. Lunch. After lunch, make the ascent to Jerusalem while reading the Psalms of Ascent. Enter Jerusalem, the Holy City. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem. Teaching on the Holy Sepulcher in the evening.

Day 9 | Tuesday, September 23: Bethlehem

Bethlehem Drive to Bet Sahour and celebrate Mass at the Shepherds field, recalling the “great throng of the heavenly hosts” that appeared to the Shepherds announcing to them of the birth of the Savior (Lk2:8). Lunch. After lunch, we continue to Bethlehem. Visit the Basilica of the Nativity, built over the site of the birthplace of Jesus, born amongst the Jewish people. Visit the Cave where Christ was born. We will then visit the Chapel of St. Jerome, who lived here for many years translating the Bible into Latin. The nearby Church of St. Catherine is the venue for the midnight Mass which is broadcast all over the World from Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. In the evening make our way to the private Garden of Gethsemane for a special Holy Hour of Adoration.

Day 10 | Wednesday, September 24: Temple Mount - Mt. of Olives - Gallicantu - Via Dolorosa

Start the day early, walking through the Old City, towards the Holy Sepulcher. We will celebrate in this Holy place the Eucharist. Time of prayer at the Tomb of Jesus. Back to the Hotel for breakfast. After, we will drive to the Mount of Olives (Mt21). Visit the Dominus Flevit Church, where Christ wept over Jerusalem (Mt23:37). The Eucharist will be held there, in front of this incredible view on the ramparts. Onwards in the descent of Mount of Olives, by foot, reliving the Palm Sunday. Arrival at the Getsemani Church, called the Church of the Nations. We will view the ancient Olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt26:36) and visit the Church of All Nations which houses the Rock of the Agony of Christ on Holy Thursday. In this Church is a beautiful mosaic donated by the United States. The coach will drive above the Kidron Valley and bring us to lunch. After lunch, we will head towards the house of the High Priest Caiaphas (Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu). This Church commemorates where Jesus was examined and eventually imprisoned before the Council in Jerusalem. It also commemorates Peter’s Denial of Christ (John 18:15-18), Peters’ repentance, and Jesus’ forgiveness of Peter. We will take a time of prayer in the cistern that served as prison. Late afternoon, the bus will drive us to the Lion Gate, for the Way of the Cross. Relive the way of the Cross. We will start at the site of the Ecce Homo where some stones of the historical Via Dolorosa were found. – and ending at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher, built over the site of the Crucifixion and the Tomb of Our Lord. Return to our accommodation for dinner.

Day 11 | Thursday, September 25: Mt. Zion - Emmaus

The day starts driving to Mount Zion. We will ask for a renewal of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room on Mt. Zion. The Upper Room is where Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30), and where they were together the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. Drive down the mountain of Jerusalem towards North for the celebration of the Eucharist in the Holy site of Emmaus Nicopolis where the Risen Jesus met the disciples on the road to Emmaus and was recognized through the braking of the bread (Lk 24). We will have lunch served at the Monastery of the Beatitude’s Community, the Community to which Sister belongs. After lunch, we will have a time of fraternal sharing in their Chapel and visit this moving site. We will end our pilgrimage with a thanksgiving Mass in the antic outdoor Basilica. Return to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.

Day 12 | Friday, September 26: Jerusalem — USA

After an early breakfast and heartfelt farewells, transfer to the Tel Aviv airport for return flights home.

*206 Tours Disclaimer:
Occasionally local religious and national holidays, weather, traffic conditions and other events may necessitate changes in the sequence of events or the missing of certain events/places. Though every effort will be made to follow the itinerary, it should be considered as an indication, rather than a contract of events and places to be visited.

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About your trip

About The Holy Land – In the footsteps of Jesus:

If you desire to draw closer to Jesus of Nazareth, come, as we follow in His footsteps. Each day of your pilgrimage you will have time to renew and affirm your faith; to pray and reflect. The Scriptures will come alive as you visit Our Lord’s homeland. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape, in addition to its rich historical heritage It is an encounter that has changed the lives of many pilgrims, an act of faith and prayer. Pilgrims have been traveling to the Holy Land for hundreds of years, and as part of your pilgrimage, we include many of the rich traditions that have evolved over time. The maxim at the entrance to the Church of the Nativity says: “We are hoping that: If you enter here as a tourist, you would exit as a pilgrim. If you enter here as a pilgrim, you would exit as a holier one.” We pray that same will occur when you join 206 Tours pilgrimage.

About Jordan:

On this special tour of the Holy Land begin in Jordan visiting Amman and Petra, located amongst rugged desert, canyons, and mountains. Discover the site of ancient cities like Kerak, Medaba, and Jerash. If you desire to draw closer to Jesus of Nazareth, come, as we follow in His footsteps. Each day of your pilgrimage you will have time to renew and affirm your faith; to pray and reflect. The Scriptures will come alive as you visit Our Lord’s homeland. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape, in addition to its rich historical heritage It is an encounter that has changed the lives of many pilgrims, an act of faith and prayer. Pilgrims have been traveling to the Holy Land for hundreds of years, and as part of your pilgrimage, we include many of the rich traditions that have evolved over time. The maxim at the entrance to the Church of the Nativity says: “We are hoping that: If you enter here as a tourist, you would exit as a pilgrim. If you enter here as a pilgrim, you would exit as a holier one.” We pray that same will occur when you join a 206 Tours Pilgrimage.

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About your trip

About The Holy Land – In the footsteps of Jesus:

If you desire to draw closer to Jesus of Nazareth, come, as we follow in His footsteps. Each day of your pilgrimage you will have time to renew and affirm your faith; to pray and reflect. The Scriptures will come alive as you visit Our Lord’s homeland. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape, in addition to its rich historical heritage It is an encounter that has changed the lives of many pilgrims, an act of faith and prayer. Pilgrims have been traveling to the Holy Land for hundreds of years, and as part of your pilgrimage, we include many of the rich traditions that have evolved over time. The maxim at the entrance to the Church of the Nativity says: “We are hoping that: If you enter here as a tourist, you would exit as a pilgrim. If you enter here as a pilgrim, you would exit as a holier one.” We pray that same will occur when you join 206 Tours pilgrimage.

About Jordan:

On this special tour of the Holy Land begin in Jordan visiting Amman and Petra, located amongst rugged desert, canyons, and mountains. Discover the site of ancient cities like Kerak, Medaba, and Jerash. If you desire to draw closer to Jesus of Nazareth, come, as we follow in His footsteps. Each day of your pilgrimage you will have time to renew and affirm your faith; to pray and reflect. The Scriptures will come alive as you visit Our Lord’s homeland. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape, in addition to its rich historical heritage It is an encounter that has changed the lives of many pilgrims, an act of faith and prayer. Pilgrims have been traveling to the Holy Land for hundreds of years, and as part of your pilgrimage, we include many of the rich traditions that have evolved over time. The maxim at the entrance to the Church of the Nativity says: “We are hoping that: If you enter here as a tourist, you would exit as a pilgrim. If you enter here as a pilgrim, you would exit as a holier one.” We pray that same will occur when you join a 206 Tours Pilgrimage.

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