The departure and return days can be the most stressful part of your tour. The last thing we all need to hear is news about increasing chaos at the airports and that thousands of flights are being canceled – but this is our current reality. Below, find some tips to help you best prepare for your flights and possible scenarios.
- Digital Communications: Traveling these days means that you are willing & able to communicate digitally and check your email on regular basis.
- Cell Phone: We must have your cell phone number on file. If there is a flight change and you are stuck at the airport abroad, your home number will not help you.
- Travel Insurance: If you have not already purchased it, buy Travel Insurance!!! Never before was Travel Insurance as imperative as it is today. I know it is optional, but you will be so grateful to have it. You can buy insurance up until 3 days prior to departure.
- Arrive Early: At the time of booking, go for the option to fly in one (1) day early.
- App: Download your airline’s mobile smartphone app. You will be advised the moment airline cancels or delays your flight, as well as the gate change (gate changes happen a lot lately). Sure, airline will also send you promos, but you can block them later. If you did not download the app, be sure to monitor the screen for notices of gate changes, or delays.
- Upgrade: If you are able to afford it, try to upgrade your seats for comfort.
- Connection Times: Please do not worry about your flight schedule or connection times provided. We know what airports require for minimum connecting times, and we always provide the best possible option for you.
- Be Prepared for Flight Changes/ Delays/ Cancellations: If your flight is experiencing a long delay, or a cancellation, do not panic, go to the airline service counter, or contact the airline, ask to be rebooked to another flight/airline, ask for meals or a hotel room. While some may offer a meal or hotel voucher, most don’t.
- Be Persistent! Speak with the kindest tone, but keep trying, do not just take “no” for an answer. Most airlines will rebook you on the next flight to the destination, as long as the flight has available seats.
- Be Nice! You can take it out on CEO’s by writing a letter to particular airline’ customer service. Never yell or be rude to staff, as they are going through a lot and it is not their fault.
- If you booked flights with your agent or Tour Operator like us at 206 Tours, you might be in luck. We will try our best to rebook your reservation. If you booked with Kayak, or Expedia, good luck.
- Email Us: emergency@206tours.com It’s better to email details than to call us. Email will allow us to clearly receive information – calls from the airport tend to be difficult to hear or have a poor connection.
- We’ve Got You! Our stranded passengers are our priority. We have been dealing with these problems for a very long time, it is just now that it’s getting the media’s attention.
- Keep us Informed: If you were rebooked to another flight /day, you must email us as early as possible -otherwise, your transfer may not be there.
- Be Careful: If you find out that one of your flights has been canceled and you rebook yourself to another flight, the rest of your flights/itinerary might automatically cancel. 206 Tours is unable to make changes once a flight has been issued and/or after an airline or passenger changes the record.
- Without Airfare Pilgrims: If you booked your own flights, we will not be able to follow its operations or guarantee your transfer. Contact us by email and we will try our best to accommodate new arrival/departures.
- Delayed Flights: If your flight was canceled or significantly delayed – take the next possible option, please do not look for perfect connections, as there may not be such.
- Overbooked Flights: If the airline is overbooked, and they offer you money to take another later flight – do not take it, as that flight may never operate.
- Lost Luggage: Be prepared for the airline to lose your luggage. Pack everything on you that you cannot live without. Medicine, devices, and change of clothing.
- Claims: Upon your return file a claim with the airline. Whether you are entitled to a refund depends on a lot of factors – such as the length of the delay, the length of the flight, and your particular circumstances. DOT determines whether you are entitled to a refund on a case-by-case basis. Be ready to wait.
- Cancellation: If your flight is canceled and you choose to cancel your entire trip, as a result: you will be sure happy that you purchased travel insurance. Your tour is not refundable but you might be entitled to a refund for the unused airline ticket unless it is for a partial ticket.
- Social Tips: Be respectful of those around you
- Hygiene: Take a shower. Wear a deodorant. Brush your teeth. No perfumes. Dress in layers. It can get warm or cold on the airplane. Wear appropriate clothing. Wear shoes to the bathroom, the liquid on the floor is not water.
- Do not engage in political conversations with passengers sitting next to you.
- Do not board the plane if you had too much to drink at the airport bar, you might be kicked off the plane and charged with a criminal offense.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation website, there are no federal laws requiring airlines to provide passengers with money or other compensation when their flights are delayed. We know, this just does not make sense.
The best decision that you have made is to book with 206 Tours, because we are here for you.