The Way. The Truth. The Life.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.

Prepare Him Room Through Pilgrimage

This week most will be focused on finishing their Christmas lists, but as Catholics, we know that the purpose of Advent goes much deeper. In the famous Christmas song “Joy to the World”, we hear this beautiful call: “Let every heart prepare Him room”. Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year in the Church. It is a season of hope and new beginnings. This is when we can make our “new year’s resolutions” as to how we will invest in our spiritual life in the year ahead. We should ask ourselves, “How can I intentionally put God first in my life?”.

Christmas celebrates the incredible miracle of when Our Lord became “Emmanuel” which means “God with us”. Rather than being seen as distant or aloof, Christ humbled Himself and became man so that we could know, love, and serve Him in a deeply personal way.

In the book of James we read, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Sometimes in order for us to draw near to God, He calls us to step outside of our comfort zone. To take a break from our day-to-day life and experience Him in a new way. To realize that He is truly “God with us” through the Eucharist and the beauty, history, and worldwide presence of His Church. There is no better way to experience these truths than by traveling on a pilgrimage.

With over 250 available itineraries (, daily Mass, and a Priest traveling with every tour group, a 206 Tours pilgrimage is an investment in your relationship with the Lord. For over 38 years, thousands of our pilgrims have had life-changing experiences as they visit holy sites and shrines around the world. They have returned home forever changed and we want to invite you to do the same. Whether for yourself or someone you love, a pilgrimage is truly a gift for one’s soul.

So, as you finish your Christmas list, consider whether God may be calling you or someone you love to encounter Him through a pilgrimage. To experience in a real and tangible way the reality that He is still truly Emmanuel – God with us.

View 206 Tours’ Pilgrimage Directory:



The Way. The Truth. The Life.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.

Witness the Botafumeiro at Santiago de Compostela

While walking the famous El Camino, the Way of St. James, pilgrims eagerly anticipate their arrival at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. After many days of challenging themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, this Cathedral is where their Pilgrimage will be completed and many rewarding experiences await them there.

In addition to praying at the tomb of the Patron Saint of Pilgrims, St. James, pilgrims can join together in prayer at the Pilgrims’ Mass. These Masses are offered multiple times a day in the Cathedral and are an opportunity for each Pilgrim to celebrate God’s blessings and to thank Him for keeping them safe while on their journey.

When attending the Pilgrims’ Mass, many hope to experience the famously large incense burner known as the “Botafumeiro”. Weighing over 116 lbs. and over 5 feet tall, the Botafumeiro is suspended from a pulley system that hangs 65 feet from the roof of the Church. It takes eight men to operate the pulley system, which swings the Botafumeiro at a great speed, dispersing aromatic incense throughout the Church. The incense drifting up to Heaven is a tangible symbol of the prayers and sacrifices made by the Pilgrims being offered to God in praise and thanksgiving.

Above: Video of 206 Tours pilgrims witnessing the Botafumeiro swinging majestically at Mass in the Cathedral de Santiago 

206 Tours is committed to providing this experience of witnessing the Botafumeiro in action. That is why 206 Tours makes a generous donation to the Cathedral every time one of our Camino Pilgrimage groups are present at the Pilgrims’ Mass. This donation is what allows the Botafumeiro to operate and the experience of seeing it swinging across this magnificent Church is a memory Pilgrims are certain to cherish forever.

The Botafumeiro is also used on a select number of holy days:

  • Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th)
  • Easter Sunday
  • The Apparition of the Apostle-Clavijo (May 23rd)
  • Pentecost
  • The Martyrdom of Saint James (July 25th)
  • Assumption of Mary (August 15th)
  • All Saints Day (November 1st)
  • Feast of Christ the King
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th)
  • Christmas Day (December 25th)
  • Transfer of the Remains of the Apostle (December 30th)

Pictured above: The Botafumeiro of the Cathedral at Santiago de Compostela

If you are considering walking El Camino, there is no better Pilgrimage company to make this journey than with 206 Tours. With expert guides, comfortable accommodations, daily Mass, and delicious food, we ensure that you will be able to enjoy the peace, spirituality, and beauty of this faith-filled Pilgrimage.

El Camino Pilgrimage – French Route:

El Camino Pilgrimage – Portuguese Route:

View all available Pilgrimages with 206 Tours by visiting:


