The Way. The Truth. The Life.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.

New Book on Medjugorje by Penny Abbruzzese


Penny Abbruzzese is a dedicated Group Leader for 206 Tours who has helped thousands of people find God through Pilgrimage. Since 1984, Penny has been working alongside 206 Tours, and in February 2020, made her 104th Pilgrimage to Medjugorje. In addition to Medjugorje, Penny has visited countless Catholic Holy sites around the world. She is an inspiring author, filmmaker, wife, mother, and grandmother, who has converted so many hearts through sharing her story and her ministry.

Penny’s book; “Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace” will be released June 2021 for the 40th Anniversary of Our Lady Apparitions in Medjugorje. In her book, Penny shares with the reader her bittersweet conversion story, starting with the painful suicidal death of her brother and then finding a profound peace (and many graces) in the little village of Medjugorje. The book details Penny’s experiences in Medjugorje for over 35 years of pilgrimages with 206 Tours. The book takes an inside look at the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin that six visionary children witnessed in the 1980’s. Today three of the visionaries continue to have daily apparitions of Our Lady. Penny’s book can be purchased in June here:

“Penny Abbruzzese is the co-founder (along with Fino Giordano) of Our Lady Queen of Peace, which is 206 Tour’s longest Group Leader. Since 1985, Penny and her core group of trusted friends have materialized close to 200 group pilgrimages, to all of the international destinations that we serve and operate. The first group pilgrimage that we organized for Penny was to Medjugorje in April 1986, and she has since led 100 groups to Medjugorje. Penny is one of the holiest friends and people that I have ever known. Penny has lived and shared Medjugorje Messages, in the most humble way, like no other person on the planet. She has been my close friend, and I have said to my family,  “when I die, and I am at heaven’s gates, I will tell St. Peter: ‘Please let me in, I know Penny’!”

Milanka Lachman, President, and Founder of 206 Tours

Click here for a special interview with Penny on the significance of Pilgrimage.

“If we say YES, and it doesn’t work out….We still get the GRACE through Our Lady with our simple yes!”

Penny Abbruzzese, Co-founder of Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group


For a full listing of all Our Lady Queen of Peace Pilgrimages, visit:

