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Eucharistic miracles
Today on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ and in the dire need for Eucharistic revival in this world, we look to the times when the Lord has chosen to make the invisible reality of transubstantiation a visible miracle.
Every moment of consecration at every Mass around the world is a miracle. Through Christ’s priesthood, shared in by the celebrant, the pure offerings of bread and wine become the spotless victim of the Lamb of God: Christ Himself is wholly present in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in every particle of the Sacred Species. This is the mystery of our faith. Yet there are “Eucharistic miracles,” which refer to times when something supernatural occurs with the already supernatural Blessed Sacrament. There are roughly 150 Eucharistic miracles approved and recognized by the Church.
The first Eucharistic miracle occurred in Lanciano, Italy around the year 700. A certain monk was seriously doubting the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He failed to believe that his words of consecration, through the power of the Holy Spirit, were efficacious in changing the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of our Savior. One Mass, while he was having doubts during the consecration, the bread and wine changed not only in substance but also in appearance into the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ. He cried out, “O fortunate witnesses, to whom the Blessed God, to confound my unbelief, has wished to reveal Himself visible to our eyes! Come, brethren, and marvel at our God, so close to us. Behold the Flesh and Blood of our Most Beloved Christ.” Word of the miracle spread immediately. Many investigations have been carried out on this event over the centuries. Shortly following the occurrence, the Blood coagulated into five globules of various sizes. The globules have been repeatedly weighed, and regardless of what combination they put on the scales (2 vs 3, 1 vs 4, 1 small vs 1 large, etc.) it remains balanced. This miracle within the miracle testifies to the truth that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” and any amount of the Blessed Sacrament (1 host or 1,000 hosts) is the same amount of Jesus, that is, all of Him (Hebrews 13:8). From 1970-1971 Pope St. Paul VI allowed a series of in-depth scientific studies to be conducted on the miraculous Flesh and Blood. The same blood type has been found in all of the Eucharistic miracles that have been tested, and this is no exception. They found that the Blood was type AB: universal receiver. They also found that the Flesh had the structure of heart wall tissue. In receiving the Eucharist, we are accepted and incorporated into the heart of Christ. He makes Himself one with His Church. The study also found that the makeup of the Flesh and Blood was that of fresh, normal human blood. The scientists were amazed that this Flesh and Blood, found free of preservatives, was so incredibly old. They asserted that it should have deteriorated rapidly. Our Lord gives us living water and the Eucharist is truly the lifeblood of our faith. Our God is ever ancient, ever new.
Another miracle occurred in Santarem, Portugal in 1266. A desperate woman with an unfaithful husband sought assistance from a sorceress. The sorceress requested a consecrated host in order to complete her love potion. The wife attended Mass and, following communion, removed the Body of Christ from her mouth and wrapped it in her veil. The host started to bleed and stain her veil, filling the woman with fear and rushing her out of the church. When she got home she hid the host in a trunk. That night a beaming light emanating from the trunk woke up both her and her husband, at which point the woman confessed to him what she had done and they both fell on their knees before our Lord in adoration and repentance. The next morning they called the parish priest, and the host bled for three more days. The couple’s home became a chapel in 1684. This miracle is a witness to married couples especially. It is not through our own efforts, but through the grace of Jesus Christ that the sacrament of marriage must be carried out. Fidelity and sacrifice for one’s spouse is possible through the Passion and love of our Lord, made clear to us in His gift of Himself in the Eucharist. The miracle has attracted many faithful since its occurrence and multiple popes have granted plenary indulgences to its devotees. Numerous studies have been carried out on the sacred articles. The Body of Christ, made visible Flesh and Blood, is still on display for worship in Santarem.
Enter “Eucharistic Miracle,” in the search box at the top of to find the many pilgrimages including one or both of these holy places.
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